Q&A :: Seattle :: San Francisco: Jacqueline McCarthy & Mark Kaufman, Vivitiv
sofafort: TipoItalia24
U.S. National Archives: High school route boys. Adolescents. Some in back row have been newsboys for seven, eight, and nine years. New Haven, Conn, March 1909
STERLINGDAVISPHOTO: Los Angeles Times Printing Plant
Gone2Disneyland: A relic of ol' paste-up days...
Ryan Vaarsi: American Thread Building, Saturday, 800 am
Iain Burke: IMG_2769
gruntzooki: William Gibson and me 2, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
DecentXposure: The Infant Male Pollock, Francis
Redfishingboat (Mick O): Fremont Bridge in Portland, Ore.
gruntzooki: Please Don't Play the Piano sign, baby grand piano, Tom Bradley International Terminal, LAX, Los Angeles, California, USA
laura_weill: Gujarati newspaper flong (section)
Chris Breen: Humm…
Jeff Carlson: Memorial
gruntzooki: Jaxon's cake, lit, my birthday, Rincon, Puerto Rico, USA
reipa59: Alte Bleisatzdruckform / Old lead type printing form
The Library of Congress: Hyman Lapcoff, 1526 Fourteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C., a ten year old newsie from a good family, carrying a heavy load of newspapers quite a distance. … [Washington (D.C.), District of Columbia] (LOC)
Jeff Carlson: Jason and Lauren Snell, Glenn Fleishman
mikeyashworth: "Is your letterbox up to date?" : leaflet issued by the British GPO, 1965 : illustrations by William Hewison
mikeyashworth: "Is your letterbox up to date?" : leaflet issued by the British GPO, 1965 : illustrations by William Hewison
petewill: Old newspaper plate copy
gruntzooki: Maintain distance except when we tell you to crowd in sign, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jeff Carlson: Remote School Bedroom Tent
macgenie: Trees are amazing.
gruntzooki: Poesy's debt repayment (a pile of coins and a snarky note), home, Burbank, California, USA
Boston Public Library: A class in type-setting