GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Butterfly exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
GlennFleishman: Lonely phones.
GlennFleishman: The Packard Campus
GlennFleishman: The Packard Campus
GlennFleishman: The Packard Campus
GlennFleishman: The Packard Campus
GlennFleishman: The Packard Campus
GlennFleishman: Gene DeAnna, Head of the Recorded Sound Section
GlennFleishman: A Nifty Antique Phonograph Player
GlennFleishman: The Hall of Mount Pony
GlennFleishman: Archives
GlennFleishman: NPR Recording in the Archives
GlennFleishman: The High-Density Storage in the Archives
GlennFleishman: The High-Density Storage in the Archives
GlennFleishman: More Recorders
GlennFleishman: Wire Recorders
GlennFleishman: An Array of Neat Old Mics