GlennFleishman: Welcome to the museum!
GlennFleishman: Linotype system
GlennFleishman: Linotype system
GlennFleishman: Brian Bagdonas at the Linotype
GlennFleishman: Ludlow type caster
GlennFleishman: A glance at the museum
GlennFleishman: More hot lead and casting equipment
GlennFleishman: Brian Bagdonas opens up the Linotype
GlennFleishman: Jim Rimmer’s drawings for a type face
GlennFleishman: The pattern for a type matrix
GlennFleishman: Matrices used for casting type
GlennFleishman: Matrices used for casting type
GlennFleishman: A font of Fellowship
GlennFleishman: The “Stern” typeface
GlennFleishman: Monotype type cases
GlennFleishman: Chris Chen pulls a face
GlennFleishman: A spool of Monotype paper tape
GlennFleishman: Monotype justification spools
GlennFleishman: Chris Chen unspools a reel of paper
GlennFleishman: Monotype Composition Keyboard
GlennFleishman: Monotype Composition Keyboard
GlennFleishman: Monotype Material Maker
GlennFleishman: Monotype keyboard
GlennFleishman: Monotype Materials
GlennFleishman: Hand-casting demonstration
GlennFleishman: Chris Chen loads paper tape into a caster
GlennFleishman: Chris Chen loads paper tape into a caster
GlennFleishman: Chris Chen shows a typecase
GlennFleishman: Chris Chen at the caster
GlennFleishman: Freshly cast Monotype