Konný (lubbakonsa): White and yellow
Villi.Ingi: Devil's Paintbrush - Pilosella aurantiaca
~ geisha ~: in a place with no space or time...
~ geisha ~: & make me art...
hawhawjames: #120. King Tutankhamun!!!
darlingseas: “At the first kiss I felt something melt inside me that hurt in an exquisite way. All my longings, all my dreams and sweet anguish, all the secrets that slept deep within me came awake. Everything was transformed and enchanted, everything made sense.”
eva101: May I help you?
Photograffity: little tiny baby ear
manyfires: happiness is a warm puppy (and a handful of them is even better)
joe.herford: I see you
jwlphotography: just chillin
bluebug (Melissa): Teeny Tiny
Berglind Mari: Almost there
hkvam: at green creek
Villi.Ingi: Sólfar
the_tina: wrinkled face
gudnyag: Sólarupprás eftir sjómannadagsball
Villi.Ingi: What big eyes you have