girlwithgreencard: day seven: the end
girlwithgreencard: day six: a fairly typical evening
girlwithgreencard: day five: Seasoning's Greetings!
girlwithgreencard: day four: Christmas building
girlwithgreencard: day three: not doing better at all
girlwithgreencard: day two: went from Happily Hugging to Abject Misery in fewer than 24 hours.
girlwithgreencard: day one: getting fitted for a stylish tin hat
girlwithgreencard: raw vegan chocolate swirl cheesecake
girlwithgreencard: blurry view from the train
girlwithgreencard: brothers and rays
girlwithgreencard: dolphin jumpin out of the hedge
girlwithgreencard: "Mama, they're making an A."
girlwithgreencard: Noah & orca
girlwithgreencard: orca from above
girlwithgreencard: dolphin tricks
girlwithgreencard: dolphin tricks
girlwithgreencard: dolphin tricks
girlwithgreencard: sea turtles eating lettuce
girlwithgreencard: blurry sharks
girlwithgreencard: Clyde, mid-jump
girlwithgreencard: merchandise
girlwithgreencard: melt hearts not ice caps