eric..: Full circle. My first DSLR was a Nikon D80, now I'm back in the Nikon camp with a D800.
eric..: At some point this cat claimed my apartment as his nap spot. I figured I should name him, so I went with Bolo.
eric..: upload
eric..: #ironcheferic sesame and panko fried tofu with sriracha mayo, and spinach with portobello mushrooms, onions, red pepper flakes and garlic. Not to be fucked with in the kitchen.
eric..: Newest edition to the family. Needs a bit of repair done to it, but I've already ordered the parts. Going to need to reskin it as well since the access screws are under the leather. Only camera left to get is a Ricoh grIII.
eric..: Friday after work ride up the embarcadero
eric..: Picked up some light reading
eric..: Fighting jc
eric..: quick snap
eric..: P6074393
eric..: P7044907
eric..: P7044910
eric..: P7044914
eric..: P7044930
eric..: P7044925
eric..: P7044919
eric..: P7044916
eric..: P7044934
eric..: clear purple dokugan
eric..: clear purple dokugan