_Nick Outdoor Photography_: Last tones of fall
_Nick Outdoor Photography_: Witness of Beauty
_Nick Outdoor Photography_: Around vineyards
Daniele Porro: inversione termica
Daniele Porro: en plein air
r.zap: L2720163-08-11-2024-ragnatele
robertovillaopere: Gru Europea - Grus Grus - Common Crane
robertovillaopere: Ibis sacro - Threskiornis aethiopicus - Sacred ibis
robertovillaopere: Gru Europea - Grus Grus - Common Crane
Daniele Porro: scenari indimenticabili...
Daniele Porro: biforcazione
_Nick Outdoor Photography_: In the Court of the Stone King
_Nick Outdoor Photography_: Back on the snow
Daniele Porro: cromie autunnali 1
Daniele Porro: cromie autunnali 2
Daniele Porro: cromie autunnali 3
Daniele Porro: Palcoscenico dolomitico... Dolomite scenery
Daniele Porro: turbinio sulle cime
robertovillaopere: Cicogna bianca - Ciconia ciconia - White stork
robertovillaopere: Ibis sacro - Threskiornis aethiopicus - Sacred ibis
robertovillaopere: Daino - Dama dama - Fallow deer
_Nick Outdoor Photography_: A break in the sun
robertovillaopere: Falco pescatore - Pandion haliaëtus - Osprey
robertovillaopere: Ibis sacro - Threskiornis aethiopicus - Sacred ibis
Daniele Porro: le prime luci accendono i colori... the first lights turn on the colors...
Daniele Porro: tormenta in arrivo... storm coming...
Daniele Porro: cieli d'autunno
Daniele Porro: autumn dream
Daniele Porro: panna e cioccolato - cream and chocolate