jeppson1771: DSC_0517
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jeppson1771: DSC_0208
jeppson1771: DSC_0279
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jeppson1771: DSC_0251
Dhina A: A Still Moment
EtienneR68: Vik Islande
EtienneR68: Vestrahorn Islande
christian mu: the last shall be first
christian mu: waiting for sunlight
christian mu: give way
Dhina A: Bokeh on fire
Anne Strickland: Water Under the Bridge
Dhina A: Inner Glow
@scott_baldock: Cauldron II
LJP40: Danger
LJP40: Spotlight on the Flatiron
LJP40: Into the mist - Explored, many thanks
brandonzcreations: Moody Bird
andredekesel: Longhorn
birdcloud1: secret places (12)
birdcloud1: without which
Thomas Heaton: Red Barn | Norway
Thomas Heaton: Star of the Show