www.francismeslet.com: La traversée
Cristiana Ottanelli: (ex) Colonia agricola
.bella.: From you the flowers grow II
The_Black Sheep: Le gioie del teatro
.bella.: Cusp of spring IV
Prosper(e): Chateau F6
RA Photography / Deadworld: Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future
RJanss: Are we where we want to be All wrapped up in our safety? Comfort and complacency It hurts me, it hurts me so
Front Row Photography (UE): " Notes and Notes "
Oreste Ore Messina: Ripenserei che non sei qua...
Front Row Photography (UE): " Blood flowed down "
Lost in decay..: Fairy tale castle..
www.francismeslet.com: Inéluctable
silent witnesses: golden moment
leonbeu: Illuminati I.
Julicious Photography: Fading Memories
Dan Butch: Lepe Beach
Abgewrackter: Bio Food
A.G. Photographe: Spaceship III
MCPHOTOGRAPHIE /http://mcphotographie.com/: Ici la Parole s’est faite chair- verbum caro factum est
Timeless Seeker: 004 / 365 Cubiculum
Timeless Seeker: They gasp for Light one last Time...
Opiesse: Asylum Stairwell
https://www.facebook.com/AGourdetPhotographie: La salle des représentations - Opéra Garnier
Cyber House: People in glass houses.....