NLMZH: banana
NLMZH: hug
Billy F Sastard: DSC_2195
moominsean: Chicago, IL
michael TOKE: #rainbowstudio #studioview #inthestudio #artstudio #atelier #michaeltoke #kunst #kunstkino #painting #michaeltoke #eight #iseenumbers #art
Unifor the union | le syndicat: Good Jobs Summit Oct. 4, 2014
Unifor the union | le syndicat: Good Jobs Summit Oct. 4, 2014
Unifor the union | le syndicat: Good Jobs Summit Oct. 4, 2014
Unifor the union | le syndicat: Good Jobs Summit Oct. 4, 2014
Unifor the union | le syndicat: Good Jobs Summit, Oct. 4, 2014
Unifor the union | le syndicat: Good Jobs Summit, Oct. 4, 2014
e l e c t r o l i t e: Fiesta Motel
ryan schude: Amelia Parks
moominsean: Shibuya, Tokyo
chromewaves: 20130323 Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
danepstein: adrien-5
Delphine Roussel: Queen and Givins
Delphine Roussel: Santa Claus Parade
EleanorRigby236: "It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people."---Giordano Bruno
richelle forsey: Sneak Peek #2 of my pieces for the #fayslift #BURLYGURLY all about Fay birthday party tonight at the Hen House. #rasterbated
oprisco: ***
Delphine Roussel: cloudy tower