Lohrman: August entry #6 - Kate Falconer - Santa Cruz, CA
www.swiftsastro.com: Portrait of the Cygni Nebula region . A five Panel Mosaic in narrowband
Full Frame Foto: Fernside Cottage Master Bedroom
Lohrman: August entry #3 - Michael Yearout - Breckenridge, Colorado
realpicsfm: Wood Buffalo Wine Room
vegadsl: Bar
dale charles: FAM-VIEWS-StGermain-290-Edit
Lohrman: May - 2 Robert Morning - Los Angeles, CA
Clara Ph.: Basilica di Superga - Torino
Lohrman: April 31 - Brandon Cooper- Fort McMurray, Alberta - 61 points **winner**
Lohrman: April 29 - Ethan Tweedie - Big Island, HI - 22 points
mbiastock: Eagle River Den
sethparker: Master Bedroom
Stefan Randholm: Penthouse
Rich Baum: RB3_1469-Edit