Gianna_Real: Nothing can stop the #spring
Gianna_Real: 🎼 It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me.... and I'm #feelinggood... 🎶
Gianna_Real: In 1883 Van Gogh had written of the symbolism of the flowering tree, seeing the evidence of rebirth like the "man who finally produces something poignant as the blossom of a hard, difficult life, is a wonder, like the black hawthorn, or better still the g
Gianna_Real: #5monthsold #selfiewithmom
Gianna_Real: #Cousins #primos 🐥🐷
Gianna_Real: Ready for safari #dadandson #saturday
Gianna_Real: #Calendula #marigold #flowerpower #flowergarden
Gianna_Real: #OurValentine
Gianna_Real: Rascame...
Gianna_Real: Caminata
Gianna_Real: I bought this outfit several years ago, when I hadn't planned to have a baby yet... I knew I'd regret if I didn't buy it. And yes, I'm very happy to see it in a #SeriouslyHansomeBaby
Gianna_Real: After years of reading these novels, and watched the tapestries and some Vermeers last year, now I have them. #girlwithpearlearring #theladyandtheunicorn #thevirginblue #art
Gianna_Real: Las ventajas de que te despierten a las 5 am, es que tienes tiempo de ver el #amanecer #sunrise 🌄 #fotorobada😂 #SierraNortedePuebla
Gianna_Real: #4monthsold #selfiewithmom
Gianna_Real: 4 meses y contando #babygrowth #4monthsold
Gianna_Real: #saturdaymood
Gianna_Real: #Totoro baby #crochet #mymommymadeit
Gianna_Real: #bestof2019
Gianna_Real: Good morning sunshine... he's 3 months old...
Gianna_Real: #cozybaby #mismatchingoutfit #chimney #winter
Gianna_Real: Y así comenzó nuestra vida en nuestra casa, los 3 por nuestra cuenta sin tener la red de seguridad de los abuelitos.... #familytime #familyselfie #familiade3
Gianna_Real: #boeufbourguignon #cozyfood #fallcooking
Gianna_Real: Este miércoles este osito cumplió 2 meses y ya pesa casi el doble de cuando nació...😚#2monthsold #babygrowth
Gianna_Real: Después de comer.... After feeding #milkcoma🍼
Gianna_Real: #Tulip
Gianna_Real: #MilkComa
Gianna_Real: Su #primerlibro no podría ser otro mas que este #GoodDogCarl #rottiebrother
Gianna_Real: #Cousins #hangingout