***NEWYORKER***: Realtà parallele.
nlwirth: Self Portrait XIII
Ben124.: Winter in Merstham Feb 2012
Viola30: Presenze sul bagnato.
Bé David: MIrror
gornabanja: Golden water
@liess - on/off: Gone with the sea
@liess - on/off: Clair-Obscur
iainmac2: Solitary Tree, Next to Southern Upland Way, Lindinny Woods, Scottish Borders-Summer 2008
JORAS LEON: estoy a tu lado.!
Pelé3: Fast Moving Train
magda196: Asturias "Paraiso Natural" I
Elisabeth Gaj: SWAN 21
Dishan||Shehanka-: Car lights
Virginie Rooses: _DSC6249-201
Veronica Spagnoli: player at the sea
Fiamma°: Changing.
Desmac1: OPQ_8702 copy