tanitzergh: I nostri scatti in mostra, a Civitella Alfedena
Fil.ippo: Il vecchio ponte
sinetempore: Canottaggio sul Po - Rowing on.
Tony Shertila: Basilica of St. Castor
FotographyKS!: View through the window of a passenger plane flying above Delhi Gurgaon highway
Abady777: ‏م شكيت الحال ‏' لو شفت العجب ' ‏ عزتي تكفي وانا ‏ ' طبعي صبور
sinetempore: Fine del giorno - End of the day.
sinetempore: L'equilibrista - The equilibrist.
koen_jacobs: Magic
koen_jacobs: I am a passenger
PCorra: Central park
DAVE-JKS: Ant Macro
Luís Salgado.: Hoi An- 13-8-16- 002
KyotoDreamTrips: Discovering Mt. Yoshino in Rural Nara on the Kii Mountain Range!
f l a m i n g o: 108/365/6
simone781: Il terrazzo abbandonato
mario bellavite: The Octophant
sinetempore: Il guardiano - The guardian.
ljholloway photography: Shirley Temple & James Dean
sinetempore: La visuale da un treno - The view from the train.
Mr Kay Photography: LifeIn35 #5
Jirawatfoto: Daigo-Ji temple in autumn
Nekosan Création: Kinkaku-ji - Kyoto