CJS*64: "Oh I do like to be beside the seaside"
mugijo: #4689
Pa!: Francesca.
mugijo: #4691
reffrusta: Lost in Trainstation
The_Last_Magnus: Caroline
the_lawson42: rememberance of things not quite past
Louisa_s: Crete island, Greece
reffrusta: DAY 176 - The battle of the sun
reffrusta: DAY 88 - Catching lovers in the dark
reffrusta: DAY 93 - Alle fronde dei salici
Riki melons: Via De Teatini, Ferrara
Piotr_Lewandowski: Cerro Losloyo
mickeyboxall: Looking down
reffrusta: DAY 4 - Venice on a rainy day
reffrusta: Florence - People&Places
reffrusta: Florence - People&Places
juri_kid_a: our getting ribs (venezia 43)
reffrusta: DAY 63 - The Visitor
reffrusta: DAY 59 - Rearviewmirror on a rainy night
reffrusta: DAY 58 - Vecchi che tornano dalla gita in un sabato di pioggia
reffrusta: DAY 51 - Man VS dog
TIMPICE: dal rosset
ArtFaleska: Spinosaurus
achrefghanmi406: London eye