DaveWillems: Dominika
Edson_Matthews: Learning to pedal
paulbnashphotography.com - ARPS: Looking towards the frozen trolls near Vik Iceland
Daniel Krieger Photography: Today in the New York Times writer Ligaya Mishan @ligayamishan wrote a piece about @chelseamillerknives who makes these stunning hand made knives. The link to the article is in my profile.
zalkr: Central Park
Daniel Krieger Photography: That pastrami bacon is on fire right now @hometownbarbque
AnZanov: Mont Saint Michel Time Lapse-001 10FPS
noeltykay: Summer's End
noeltykay: Brown Eyed Girl
noeltykay: Life begins - Day 1/365
noeltykay: Reflection
noeltykay: Sometimes My Heart Skips A Beat
Nikonsnapper: Relaxing
Nikonsnapper: 42 years on
Thomas Hawk: Coachella 2014
Traciѐ: color version
leesure: Phalanx
noeltykay: Browsing
Mike Orso: Lincoln Fruit Loop
espinozr: Double Notre-Dame
Mike Orso: GW Bridge In October
Daniel Krieger Photography: Husk Restaurant, Charleston South Carolina
Daniel Krieger Photography: One more shot from last nights show "Queen of the Night" very cool unique performance.
Timothy Schenck: 104th Floor, 1WTC.