gerri23: Bonfire
gerri23: sunset
gerri23: Will you marry me
gerri23: The view from my balcony
gerri23: I still do
gerri23: Daisy
gerri23: My first hand written letter
gerri23: Time
gerri23: Like a mirror
gerri23: New places
gerri23: The best time of my life
gerri23: It's almost Christmas
gerri23: II may not look nice, but I’m good
gerri23: The smoke seller
gerri23: We found love in a hopeless place
gerri23: Giulia and Aurelia
gerri23: Chauteu Frontelnac
gerri23: Across the bridge
gerri23: A bad sad raining day
gerri23: _Love or Career??
gerri23: New York
gerri23: The circle of life
gerri23: The little mermaid
gerri23: Copenaghen flower
gerri23: Anfield road
gerri23: Self reflection
gerri23: Lovely day in Copenhagen
gerri23: Sunset in Amsterdam
gerri23: I see you
gerri23: Carnival makeup