Mélisande*: 9-pointed compass rose
oschene: Hexagonal Box with Dome Closure
oschene: 10 and 14-sided Pots
Sunburst2001: Vampire et cercueil gen.2
CBFolds: Siamese Twins
Duskethir: Angel | Fernando Chura | 2
oschene: Hyperbolic Paraboloid on a Poincaré Disk
Mélisande*: Milano Duomo
FearlessFlourish: Origami Thor Hammer
Mélisande*: Pentagonal Crystal box
Mélisande*: Pentagonal Crystal box
oschene: 12-ribbed Pot
oschene: 12-rib Pot
Sunburst2001: Bonhomme
oschene: Puff Star Tato
origamigo: Lily Fields Forever 2
origamigo: Lily Fields Forever 3
origamigo: Lily Fields Forever 1
Adrien Arbalestrier: recursive centaur
Adrien Arbalestrier: Marisa Kirisame V2
nicekloki: Recursive flagstone
Mélisande*: φ bowls
mrmicawer: Pelícano
mganans: ATOLL 3D (ATOLON 3D)
fysfys: waterbombic dodecahedron
One: Thomas Sibold: i-Squash-ahedron
JD Origami: Triceratops - Fumiaki Kawahata (Refold)
Sunburst2001: Masque de luchador