Gabriel Catalin: Squirrell2
Gabriel Catalin: lens_or_nut
Anastasia Volkova: 30 seconds
floridapfe: Autumn road
floridapfe: ring railed lemur
Anastasia Volkova: magic window light
click4image: Comandar
powerpig: NOMNOMNOM
The spider in your bath.: Just a photo of a hamster
Gabriela Gattaneo: orphans. a lucky one.
Anastasia Volkova: let me sigh
bix2anca: Chemistry
myu-myu: feel spring
myu-myu: ベニシジミ   (Lycaena phlaeas)
myu-myu: butterfly (Papilio machaon)    HBW!
myu-myu: メジロ  (Japanese White-eye)
myu-myu: テントウムシ  Ladybug
sangphotography: T9 - Explore , highest position #1 on Sept 2, 2009- Thanks for all views, faves and comments ...
jm2c: Kitten
J-Fer: Full of Grapes
wumpiewoo: Explosion in the Sky
kjdrill: Hilarious Su Lin
Andre25_85: Hold Me Tight
Andre25_85: Look into the Wild
Adrian Petrisor: day and night
Adrian Petrisor: yellow field
costin.: Veve