Scott Southall: Best Friends
Carole Gentry: Dreams in Flight
starr.kaleb: Walker Street
Back in the Pack: White Dog Wednesday
broaddaylight: and always
soleá: Autumn leafs
.penny: lovely anna
beth maciorowski: the first signs of fall
Elena Kalis: Siamese Twins
Polapremium: Paul Lindeboom's winning entry!
tobysx70: Pink Unicorn
heatherevanssmith: stranger on this earth
iHeartDimSum: The Ricohflex
The Spork: Rabbit Hop
Joep Polaroid Photography: Colored glasses
Andrew Bartram (WarboysSnapper): Limerick #1 26th June 2013
Milos Gazdic: Big Shot Shuffling: Jelena says "Health on 1st place"
The Spork: Random Stuff