Georgetown Voice: Apple's second design, which seems much worse than the first
Georgetown Voice: The latest Apple design the OGB rejected
Georgetown Voice: Third time's not a charm
Georgetown Voice: Apple's original design
Georgetown Voice: IMG_9347
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2318
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2307
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2283
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2269
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2254
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2213
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2211
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2205
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2138
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2254
Georgetown Voice: IMG_2213
Georgetown Voice: IMG_1915
Georgetown Voice: Sims playing tight defense
Georgetown Voice: Vaughn dunk
Georgetown Voice: Sims looks for the opening
Georgetown Voice: Wattad puts one in
Georgetown Voice: Sapp follow through.
Georgetown Voice: Sims makes contact
Georgetown Voice: Summers up for two
Georgetown Voice: Three for Wright
Georgetown Voice: Monroe takes two at an angle
Georgetown Voice: Monroe dominates the tip-off
Georgetown Voice: Wright looks for a way out of the trap
Georgetown Voice: Yuletide Dowdometer
Georgetown Voice: Piccolo after the Fire