GeorgeOfTheGorge: Autumn cascade in the Oregon Cascades
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Prepping for winter
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Peeking at the Deschutes River
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Autumn on Falls Creek
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Davis Canyon
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Cackling geese in the mist
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Chaotic autumn textures and color
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Confines of Davis Canyon
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Big world, tiny chipmunk
GeorgeOfTheGorge: The Red Road
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Ray Atkeson's most beautiful place: Sparks Lake reflects South Sister and Broken Top
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Why it's called Falls Creek
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Falls Creek Falls in the Fall
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Color by the creek
GeorgeOfTheGorge: How do you spot a bird of prey? By their white spot!
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Not survivable: fallen in the marsh
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Ray Atkeson Scenic Area at Sparks Lake
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Turblent waters
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Meandering creek