GeorgeOfTheGorge: Great horned owl, Cooper Mountain Nature Park (Bubo virginianus)
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Northern red-shafted flicker on feeder (Colaptes auratus cafer)
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Night Heron
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Mrs. Mallard primps, Mr. Mallard is anxious to go
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Common Gallinule (Gallinula galeata) at Green Cay Wetlands
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Death Valley Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus)
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Blue thief at Memaloose campground
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Racing for breakfast - give me speed
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Heads down in a race to the finish: two Canada Geese families race
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Steaming at you! Mr. and Mrs. wide billed northern shovelers.
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Mississippi Cardinal
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Northern Red-tailed Flicker in Cooper Mountain Nature Park
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Signature blue bird in Cooper Mountain Nature Park
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Blue bird at Tualatin National Wildlife Refuge
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Pair of purple gallinule in late afternoon light at Green Cay Wetlands, Florida
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Egyptian geese mated pair Dania Beach, Florida
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Ring-billed gull in flight at sunrise
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Spooky Ibis
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Great blue heron reflected in the lake
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Wings like the walls of the Gorge
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Summer marsh, redwing blackbird
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Golden-crowned sparrow feeding wild in the forest
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Greater Yellowlegs
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Spotting scope: "Greater Yellow Legs"
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Swimming in Impressionism
GeorgeOfTheGorge: "V"ictorious Cackling Geese
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Spotting scope: "'V'ictorious Cackling Geese"
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Family time at Fernhill Wetlands
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Pixel peeping "Family time at Fernhill Wetlands"
GeorgeOfTheGorge: Git outta my space!