van.sutherland: Where to begin?
van.sutherland: On top of the world
van.sutherland: Globe Mallow Bee in Globe Mallow flower
van.sutherland: Water droplets on butterfly
van.sutherland: White Peacock butterfly
van.sutherland: Here's looking at you, kid
van.sutherland: Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly
van.sutherland: Question Mark butterfly
van.sutherland: Plains Forktail damselfly
van.sutherland: A little color to brighten your day
van.sutherland: New life
van.sutherland: Black-chinned Hummingbird
van.sutherland: Flame Skimmer art
van.sutherland: Band-winged Meadowhawk, Albuquerque Botanic Gardens
van.sutherland: Blue Dasher (western male)
van.sutherland: Plains Forktail female heteromorph
van.sutherland: Black-chinned Hummingbird, Albuquerque Botanic Gardens
van.sutherland: Western Honeybee on flower, Albuquerque Botanic Gardens
van.sutherland: Black-chinned Hummingbird, Albuquerque Botanic Gardens
van.sutherland: Black-chinned Hummingbird, Albuquerque Botanic Gardens
van.sutherland: Black-chinned Hummingbird
van.sutherland: American Bullfrog - Explore!
van.sutherland: Bumblebee at work
van.sutherland: Cabbage White butterfly
van.sutherland: A different perspective
van.sutherland: Red Hibiscus
van.sutherland: Flame Skimmer
van.sutherland: Working late
van.sutherland: Wood Duck drake
van.sutherland: Spring is coming soon