van.sutherland: A pair of Mallards take flight
van.sutherland: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
van.sutherland: Snow Geese in flight
van.sutherland: Out of the morning mist
van.sutherland: On the wing
van.sutherland: Sandhill Cranes in the morning sun
van.sutherland: Bearded Rio Grande Turkey
van.sutherland: Gambel's Quail
van.sutherland: Morning rush
van.sutherland: Nevermore?
van.sutherland: Hovering
van.sutherland: Desert color
van.sutherland: Pyrrhuloxia
van.sutherland: Feather-plume (Dalea formosa)
van.sutherland: Snow Geese approaching
van.sutherland: “Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning. ”
van.sutherland: Sunrise at the Flight Deck
van.sutherland: Bosque Sunrise
van.sutherland: Snow Geese
van.sutherland: Western Meadowlark
van.sutherland: Evening light
van.sutherland: Snow Geese
van.sutherland: Morning silhouettes
van.sutherland: Crowded skies
van.sutherland: Snow Geese in the Morning Sky
van.sutherland: Frosty Morning
van.sutherland: Rise and shine!
van.sutherland: Snow Geese at Bosque del Apache NWR
van.sutherland: Another day begins
van.sutherland: Snow Geese against the morning sky