van.sutherland: Roseate Skimmer
van.sutherland: Carolina Wren
van.sutherland: Blue Dasher at the beach
van.sutherland: Our moon
van.sutherland: Long-tailed Skipper
van.sutherland: House Finch (female)
van.sutherland: American Bushtit
van.sutherland: Greater Roadrunner soaking up the sun
van.sutherland: Crowded skies
van.sutherland: Worm Moon, March 28, 2021
van.sutherland: Super Flower Moon rising over Sandia Mountain
van.sutherland: Super Flower Moon over the Sandias
van.sutherland: Strawberry Super Moon rising
van.sutherland: American Coot
van.sutherland: Downy Woodpecker
van.sutherland: White-crowned Sparrow (adult)
van.sutherland: Super Blue Moon rising
van.sutherland: Super Blue Moon over the Sandia Mountains
van.sutherland: Red Crossbill female at Capulin Spring
van.sutherland: Pine Siskin at Capulin Spring
van.sutherland: Downy Woodpecker
van.sutherland: Lesser Goldfinch (female)