Andrzej Kocot: Wonderful Life
Andrzej Kocot: Contemplation
dougieritchie: Flower of Scotland
Ireneusz Irass Walędzik: Chrysolina fastuosa.
Ireneusz Irass Walędzik: Peacock Feather.
Ireneusz Irass Walędzik: Laccaria amethystina.
Ireneusz Irass Walędzik: Phyllocrania paradoxa.
Ireneusz Irass Walędzik: Evarcha arcuata.
chappietam: Nightmares don't always come with the dark!
chappietam: Tryetisoma fly
anamunilla: Tarro Canelo dormitando IMG_6617
anamunilla: Cotorra Argentina IMG_3866
pkh100: Unsure of the ID, but I love its sparkly suit! (If you know what it is please let me know!)
pkh100: Gatekeeper Butterfly
pkh100: Brown Hawker with a wasp for lunch!
flora faun a: Süß wie Honig
chappietam: Harmonia axyridis
chappietam: Winter Silvereye
raquelmunilla: Otoño noviembre06 058 (2)
raquelmunilla: Mariposa IMG_5635
chappietam: Harlequin
chappietam: Hairy Small Orb
Oerliuschi: Ulmen-Zipfelfalter (Satyrium w-album)
JamesSparshottWildlife: Regent Bowerbird (Sericulus chrysocephalus)