Geoff Hyde: Rhytidoponera sp. On a weed in Centennial Park, NSW.
Geoff Hyde: Golden Orb Weaver, Nephila sp. Centennial Park. Large!
Geoff Hyde: Golden Orb Weaver, Centennial Park
Geoff Hyde: Young sawflies on eucalyptus. The next major stage will see them become spitfire caterpillars, famed for their massed groupings. Centennial Park.
Geoff Hyde: A head-on view of the young sawflies. Now you can see that they are actually eating the leaf from both sides.
Geoff Hyde: Sawfly larva on paperbark, Centennial Park.
Geoff Hyde: My first attempt at focus stacking with Zerene. Composite of 3 shots shot at different planes using autofocus. The Common Golden Orb Weaver, Nephila edulis, Centennial Park, Sydney.
Geoff Hyde: A non-biting midge. Centennial Park, Sydney.
Geoff Hyde: Crab spider, Lehtinelagia sp., and a Leafhopper nymph, Cicadelidae. Centennial Park, Sydney.
Geoff Hyde: Sapromyza sp., a Lauxaniid Fly. Centennial Park Sydney. Venus Laowa UltraMacro lens.
Geoff Hyde: Happy Fly Day Friday!
Geoff Hyde: A little Orbweaver, Stack of 8 shots. Centennial Park, Sydney.
Geoff Hyde: Argiope keyserlingi. Stack of 8 shots. Centennial Park, Sydney.
Geoff Hyde: An Araneid, probably Zygiellinae. Sydney.
Geoff Hyde: Another view of the matingStriped Dungflies, Oxysarcodexia varia, Family Sarcophagidae. HFDF!
Geoff Hyde: Pristhesancus plaggipennis, the Common Assassin Bug. Sydney.
Geoff Hyde: Robber Fly, maybe Dolopus sp., Centennial Park, Sydney. HFDF!
Geoff Hyde: A vegetarian ladybird, Epilachna sp., Centennial Park, Sydney
Geoff Hyde: It’s sawfly season here in Australia. Centennial Park Sydney.
Geoff Hyde: Green Treehopper, Sextius virescens. On an acacia, Centennial Park, Sydney.
Geoff Hyde: Putting on the Ritz
Geoff Hyde: Robber at Sunset
Geoff Hyde: Sunset Mantis
Geoff Hyde: The Ventriloquist