genochio: District 4, Saigon, 2018.
genochio: Saigon, 2018
genochio: Tây Ninh province, 2019.
genochio: Saigon, 2018. Alleys full of textures, lines and shapes...
genochio: Tây Ninh, 2019.
genochio: District 11,Saigon, 2018.
genochio: Saigon, 2019.
genochio: Tây Ninh, 2019.
genochio: Cô Giang, Saigon, 2019.
genochio: Thành Đa, Saigon, 2018.
genochio: Tây Ninh province, 2018.
genochio: Saigon, 2018.
genochio: Welcome to the weekend ✌️ Saigon, 2019.
genochio: Saigon, 2018. How would this District 4 wall look on your wall?! 👀 One of 10 prints available in my Monthly 10 for January. Check 'highlights' on my bio page for details and to view the other images.
genochio: Saigon, 2019.
genochio: Tây Ninh province, 2019.
genochio: House fronts. Saigon, 2019.
genochio: Fafilm Building, Saigon, 2019. Lots of lines n geometry n stuff for a few days...
genochio: District 4, Saigon, 2018.
genochio: Suối Dây, Tây Ninh province, 2019.
genochio: Saigon, 2019.
genochio: Dog wash blues. Saigon, 2019
genochio: Family and neighbours, Saigon, 2018.
genochio: Red, white and blue dots and dots. Saigon, 2018.
genochio: Bus stop, Hàm Nghi, District 1, Saigon.
genochio: The 266 Tôn Đản bicycle guy, District 4,Saigon. Wheel-straightening just one of his many skills.
genochio: Alley life, District 4,Saigon. . (P.S. I live deep in the alleys in District 4. Very fortunate to have such an amazing live 'studio' on my doorstep!)
genochio: Alley shopper, District 4, Saigon.
genochio: District 4, Saigon.
genochio: Bus stops on Hàm Nghi, District 1, Saigon.