Calisse Onyx: #1201 - Mondays are for rest from the weekend~
Anita Calavera: Sponsered by Gemini and - pOOnsh -
Cho ♥: #326 ♡
Arya Skullmoon HB: Sweet darkness
Lia Mistwalker: Fashion Therapy #2786
citronelle charisma: 🌸ꗥ~ꗥ🌸Adalyn🌸ꗥ~ꗥ🌸
sophieso.demonia: # ♥3337
Lia Mistwalker: Fashion Therapy #2790
✧ U M Λ ✧: Made of midnight and mystery.
starwildbabe: Thank You♥
sophieso.demonia: # ♥3313
Dior..ღ: "Lovely,As You Are"
Lia Mistwalker: Fashion Therapy #2779
Phoenix W ( OPEN TO COLLAB ): coming befana!