geminicollisionworks: GCW LWA Zoom Meeting - Season 2
geminicollisionworks: LIFE WITH ALTHAAR logo
geminicollisionworks: Nell keeps me company as I try to get to sleep with a distracting cold.
geminicollisionworks: Jones & Hooker enjoy one of the many undifferentiated piles of props, costumes, and supplies as a napping spot.
geminicollisionworks: Nelly rules the world.
geminicollisionworks: The "kittens" may have been with us a year now, but I can't forget this sweet boy, coming up on 16 years in age, and with us.
geminicollisionworks: Larry Cohen cracks wise with Tony Lo Bianco before screening an earlier (and superior) cut of GOD TOLD ME TO.
geminicollisionworks: The great Larry Cohen introduces PERFECT STRANGERS.
geminicollisionworks: Wall of Warhol.
geminicollisionworks: Larry Cohen Comes Alive!
geminicollisionworks: Not sure I could find anything more "comfort food" cinema than these for a night alone at home.
geminicollisionworks: Nell brings me Ducky, her favorite toy, to show what a good hunter she is, then tries to kill it again.
geminicollisionworks: Saw my first Davies film, LONG DAY CLOSES, a few weeks ago. So overwhelmed I bought all of these. Almost afraid to watch now.
geminicollisionworks: Making morning coffee with what Berit calls my "deranged composer" look.
geminicollisionworks: Good morning, Nell.
geminicollisionworks: Jonathan Demme & Jordan Cronenweth, tired but alert, rock to "Crosseyed and Painless" in STOP MAKING SENSE. RIP
geminicollisionworks: Today, on an off day from the mainstage show, we're swinging typewriters around @bricktheater ! Wheeee!
geminicollisionworks: What I found waiting for me tonight when I came in to go to bed...
geminicollisionworks: Nell & Jones share.
geminicollisionworks: Someone has appeared next to me with some ideas about where to be scratched.
geminicollisionworks: Afternoon Nell.
geminicollisionworks: Sleepy morning with the siblings.
geminicollisionworks: Morning, Jones.
geminicollisionworks: Fun as the new album from @planetcait plays LOUD on the PS3 in 5.1 with the swimmy colours.
geminicollisionworks: Killing time between movies Sidney-Greenstreeting around the Metrograph bookstore.
geminicollisionworks: Lovely pomegranate cocktails before wonderful pork, with family in Croton.
geminicollisionworks: @planetcait Friend Cait Brennan's second album, THIRD, recorded at @ardentstudios arrived in today's post! It is fine fine superfine. Dig it.
geminicollisionworks: Here for Busby Berkeley/Carmen Miranda/Eugene Pallette goodness!
geminicollisionworks: When dropping something behind the bed means rolling out the drawers of old VHS tapes to get to it...
geminicollisionworks: And some days, an overabundance of Friedrich Wilhelm is exactly what is needed...