Daniel | rapturedmind.com: Casper - Bochum Total 2011
naoK: warm sunlight
K3m.: tele fążi vol. II
ludas71: I Cipressi di San Quirico
*Corrie*: Shades of Grey
kaoni701: Little Lady - 8/52
michelafoto: torrente macchione
renato47: Dalla Cassia
Mikko Lagerstedt: Light And Shadows
docfuz: Spring at Bokeh Garden
cliccath: Calamity's daughter (winter)
Free John: 不知名
4eyes Tang: 籃鳳蝶 Papilio protenor
Dalantech: Honeybee Studio Shot
Massimo Feliziani: Un pò d'autunno
Andrea Oiser - WWW.ANDREAVALLINI.COM: *No time, no space...*
Tipauste: Wedding - Best-of Elodie et Guillaume
Tipauste: Vegetal World - Water
Deeppesteddie: Sfumano i tramonti
Deeppesteddie: Oscuri presagi
Chad Galloway Photo: Path of Red
Chad Galloway Photo: Fall Fades Fast