Don Komarechka: A View from the Stamens
kanki su: Moringa
~ GAB ~: HBW: Nasi Kerabu – When Eating is Art
Ami Hussain: Local Herbs Garden
Sam Droege: Small Hive Beetle, front, beltsville, md_2017-05-25-15.43
HereIsTom: Las Dunas de Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain - 4805
Kalmet_: Jamur
Don Komarechka: Dancing in Moonlight
Ryo 2013: Rose
Coisroux: Penny for your thoughts...
Thomas Shahan: Adult Male Phidippus putnami Jumping Spider
zollatiff: Golden Silence
magpie73: Home made potato chips
Jay Berg1: Only 80 calories..
ATHOS TH.: Still Life
toestelensa: Half awake
toestelensa: Olympus EP-2
toestelensa: In his own world..
toestelensa: My beloved M9
Sam Droege: Andrena gnaphalii, f, back 2, Santa Barbara, CA_2016-08-12-17.10
toestelensa: Barber in action..
toestelensa: Sand Art. Focus
Gennaro Manna: Hymenoptera Megachilidae
kliton77: preserving her eggs
Lizduquesa: Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini
jacilluch: Hymenoptera
Macroscopic Solutions: Close up on the face of a yellow jacket wasp.
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-16-8828-Osmia cf claviventris
Jenny Thynne: "Basil", the Blue-banded Bee