Swebbatron: Yohoi RS IMG_2950
Lt. Sweeney: 2016 [Ed-2024] - 17 Octavia
Lt. Sweeney: 2017 [Ed-2024] - 30 Saray
passion4streetphotography: Street Portrait
anna.kraft: Garten meoner Eltern 2 am 15.03.2024
tomtommilton: I wish I could say I'm making a difference
Lt. Sweeney: 2016 [Ed-2024] - 12 Saray
Lt. Sweeney: La Novia - 02
koenveldeman: Harbinger of Spring
Lt. Sweeney: La Novia - 03
David Olkarny Photography: Feel the warm rain
Sal Patalano: Kira Ybor City
passion4streetphotography: “Massage is always a good idea.” festival portrait
kalinmir: Happy new year :)
kalinmir: Ravens
anna.kraft: Garten meiner Eltern 6 am 07.02.2024
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Thypoch Simera 35mm f1.4 Portrait
Swebbatron: Yohoi RS IMG_2750
anna.kraft: Garten meiner Eltern 3 am 07.02.2024
lucafoscili: Giulia
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Leica M3 Single Stroke
Lt. Sweeney: 2020 [Ed.2024] - 08 María
Lt. Sweeney: Octavia 14.0. // 06
Swebbatron: Yohoi RS IMG_2707
mfsantosphotography: The cat's look