pierre-david: Rouge-gorge
F. Ribeaudeau: Le bonheur est dans le pré
Thomas Shahan: Oak Treehopper (Platycotis vittata) female watches over a group of nymphs. Salem, Oregon - August, 2016
Magma guy: Winter fort
Tom Gill.: Frozen Sentinel
Einherjar2k8: Green Leafhopper
joijoide: July 4th
W & V: Como feio
Thomas Shahan: Gibbous Moon Through a Celestron C8
cristian_castro_morales: callirostris: Colombian Slider (Trachemys callirostris GRAY, 1855)
Fotokunst Susanne: Lily stripes [Explore]
Bruce_Hood: The Pinnacles
christiancp34: Libellule
christiancp34: La Garde Adhémar
Thomas Shahan: Whirligig Mite (Erythracarus pyrrholeucus) - Oregon
Rinaldo R: Rhynchophorus ferrugineus ♂
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): PERSONAL FAVOURITE: Hooded Mantis Nymph (Rhombodera sp., Mantidae)
E_Rick1502: Forster's Tern
pierre-david: Asilide
M van Oosterhout: 20140609-DSC_3532
Vaxjo: Lyon - Rhône
welles1941: DSC_0793
Eric Lafforgue: North korean army Pyongyang North Korea 북한
Thomas Shahan: Ceratomia amyntor (Elm Sphinx) Caterpillar - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan: Azalea lace bug - Stephanitis pyrioides - Oregon
Bahman Farzad: portrait