GordHolden: This pic taken Aug. 1. July 1 pic shows me at 227. 20 lbs. This month. Goal of 10 more by Sept. 1st.
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GordHolden: upload
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GordHolden: upload
GordHolden: How is this insight applied to schooling?
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GordHolden: upload
GordHolden: Don't you hate it when people take pictures of what they eat? I can understand this one though.
GordHolden: Wish I had an office bulletin board just so I could do this. I work from home...OK, going to do it anyway! Ha.
GordHolden: Chicken theme coming up.
GordHolden: Never thought of teaching as a career but a calling. Some who disagreed were good teachers, but lacked the passion for learning I'd want children to see.
GordHolden: A generalization to be sure. Ha.
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GordHolden: upload
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GordHolden: upload
GordHolden: upload
GordHolden: upload
GordHolden: Something's lost methinks when children are required to grow up too fast.
GordHolden: upload
GordHolden: Have you ever howled at the moon?
GordHolden: Ouch. I'm thinking that I can relate
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GordHolden: upload
GordHolden: Feeling like your children/students aren't engaged in learning?
GordHolden: Doing school like this? Yep. Ask me about Quest Atlantis.
GordHolden: Gave student a simulation program & 10 minutes later I'm getting gift objects delivered to me.
GordHolden: Quest teach simulation by ASU. Got to get a good night sleep before teaching the next day.