milepost82.1: 100-28 CP 6644E
milepost82.1: 100-28 CP 6644E
milepost82.1: 21B CP 1401W
milepost82.1: 605 CP 8209W
Eric Gofreed: Red-necked Tanager
Eric Gofreed: Tis the Season of Thanks
Eric Gofreed: The Wood Duck's Takeoff
Eric Gofreed: A Raft of Otters
Eric Gofreed: Ringed kingfisher: Near Impact
Eric Gofreed: Pure Bliss: Rolling in the Dust
Eric Gofreed: The Shy and Elusive Killdeer
Eric Gofreed: A New Neighbor on the Move!
jvverde: Black-fronted Dotterel // Borrelho-de-testa-preta
jvverde: White-breasted Woodswallow // Andorinha-do-mato-de-ventre-branco
jvverde: White-browed Woodswallow // Andorinha-do-mato-de-sobrolho-branco
milepost82.1: 419 CP 6644S
Don Oppedijk: 20250115-0908-09
Don Oppedijk: 20250123-0953-49stack
Jaap van 't Veen: Nederland - Poederoyen, Slot Loevestein
Jaap van 't Veen: Nedwerland - Kasteel Renswoude
milepost82.1: 146 CN 2890E
milepost82.1: S772 CN 5638E
milepost82.1: 119 CN 3146W
milepost82.1: CN 5321
milepost82.1: 602 CP 9702E
milepost82.1: C46 SOO 4402E
milepost82.1: 300 CP 9708E
milepost82.1: 100-12 CP 8838E
milepost82.1: 10R RMRX 8018E
milepost82.1: WLA-04 CP 6079E