Greg Bernhardt: Birthday party with the dashi cake
Greg Bernhardt: Baby apple pie!
Greg Bernhardt: "Hello kitty cat" has been named
Greg Bernhardt: So we're walking to dinner, and epic cuteness ensues...
Greg Bernhardt: Cut out the middleman!
Greg Bernhardt: Girls...
Greg Bernhardt: Girls...
Greg Bernhardt: Harrison Classic!
Greg Bernhardt: Viv eats a candy apple at Tayas
Greg Bernhardt: Viv eats a candy apple at Tayas
Greg Bernhardt: Viv says "I'm going to Taya's!"
Greg Bernhardt: Jog-a-thon!
Greg Bernhardt: Jog-a-thon!
Greg Bernhardt: Jog-a-thon!
Greg Bernhardt: Jog-a-thon!
Greg Bernhardt: Jog-a-thon!
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000362
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000363
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000364
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000365
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000366
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000367
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000368
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000369
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000370
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000372
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000374
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000377
Greg Bernhardt: 1000000394