JamesInOregon: Day 284 of 366
gordy1: the Jaaag
giulio macaione: 1 december: world aids day
Mister Rad: Ja Ja Ja
gordy1: IMG_3648
gordy1: DSC01416
Mister Rad: Mont Saint-Michel
Mister Rad: By the banks of the Seine
Mister Rad: On the road again
Mister Rad: Autumn
Stuart-Lee: More lemurs...
gordy1: DSC00539
yorkieb0y: hello up there
Mister Rad: Unwell
me-graphy: morning sun
seannyK: random draw du jour
Dracorubio: 51.2.2012 Embrace
yorkieb0y: dense
yorkieb0y: coming in
yorkieb0y: bustle
davidjgmilne: Perfect walking day.
dogfaceboy: Good Birthday and Happy Morning, Serena!
Mr. Moog: Casual