gautee: DSC_0089
gautee: DSC_0078
gautee: DSC_0070
gautee: DSC_0046
gautee: Interviews
gautee: Interview
gautee: Interview
gautee: Little shy girl
gautee: Interwiev
gautee: Tri cycle
gautee: DSC_0002
gautee: Breakfast and lunch place
gautee: Preparing paddy fields
gautee: Our "house" stray dog
gautee: White powder drawing
gautee: Coconut kid
gautee: DSC_0031-7
gautee: DSC_0038-7
gautee: DSC_0008-9
gautee: DSC_0004-8
gautee: DSC_0001-9
gautee: DSC_0012-9
gautee: DSC_0010-4
gautee: Working girl
gautee: Holy oil lamps
gautee: Going by auto (taxi)
gautee: Making bricks
gautee: Picking coconuts
gautee: Lots of children following me
gautee: DSC_0169