Gary Tompkins:
Monticello Lawn, Mt Jefferson
Gary Tompkins:
Lapland Rosebay (Rhododendron lapponicum)
Gary Tompkins:
North Kinsman Mtn, Mt Cannon, and Greenleaf Hut
Gary Tompkins:
From Mt Lincoln, view to the summit of Cannon Mtn
Gary Tompkins:
South Peak, Mt Moosilauke and Cloudbank
Gary Tompkins:
From Mt Chocorua Northward
Gary Tompkins:
Water Break, on Mt Chocorua
Gary Tompkins:
Descending Mt Lafayette
Gary Tompkins:
King Ravine
Gary Tompkins:
Star Lake and Mt Madison
Gary Tompkins:
Mountain Sandwort (Minuartia groenlandica)
Gary Tompkins:
Montalban Ridge and Dry River Wilderness
Gary Tompkins:
Across "Monticello Lawn" to Gulfside
Gary Tompkins:
The Captain from Mt Carrigain
Gary Tompkins:
Mt Lincoln
Gary Tompkins:
Eastward from Mt Lafayette
Gary Tompkins:
Pemi Wilderness and Mt Lincoln
Gary Tompkins:
Upper Greenleaf Trail on Mt Lafayette
Gary Tompkins:
Junction of Gulfside Trail and Airline Trail
Gary Tompkins:
Great Gulf and Mt Washington from the summit of Mt Adams
Gary Tompkins:
From Mt Adams: JQ Adams and Mt Madison
Gary Tompkins:
View into Carrigain Notch from Signal Ridge
Gary Tompkins:
Mt Washington Weather Observatory
Gary Tompkins:
Hiker Ascending Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail
Gary Tompkins:
Snowshoeing on Crawford Path
Gary Tompkins:
Lonesome Lake, Cannon Mtn
Gary Tompkins:
Hiker at Uncle Paul's Pot Holes
Gary Tompkins:
West Bond and Franconia Ridge
Gary Tompkins:
Bondcliff, West Bond, and Hellgate Valley
Gary Tompkins:
7 NH 4000 Footers from Mt Bond