Gary Tompkins: Hardwick Knitted Fabrics Inc.
Gary Tompkins: Robert Cutler 1721 - 1786
Gary Tompkins: Abandoned Barn
Gary Tompkins: Roof Trusses, The Old Stone Church
Gary Tompkins: Rock Form
Gary Tompkins: From the Burr Trail
Gary Tompkins: Lonesome Lake and Franconia Ridge
Gary Tompkins: Yiddish Book Center, Allen Moore Architect
Gary Tompkins: Hotel Nevada
Gary Tompkins: Lower Mill, George Gilbert Mfg. Co.
Gary Tompkins: Autumn Barn
Gary Tompkins: Champ de Mars 1988
Gary Tompkins: Banks Garage
Gary Tompkins: Ray's Wayside Furniture
Gary Tompkins: Fouquet's on Champs-Elysees, 1988
Gary Tompkins: Demolition of Hamilton Woolen Mill
Gary Tompkins: Great Basin Bristlecone Pine
Gary Tompkins: Alden-Delehanty Block - 1888
Gary Tompkins: Remains of Pike Co. Powerhouse
Gary Tompkins: Woodis-Martin-Ham House
Gary Tompkins: Factory Butte
Gary Tompkins: Above Chimney Rock Trailhead
Gary Tompkins: 1837 "Village Hall", N. Haverhill, NH
Gary Tompkins: 5 Switches
Gary Tompkins: Tool House
Gary Tompkins: Granite Channel
Gary Tompkins: Pendleton Barn, Fruita Historic District
Gary Tompkins: Baltic Mills aka American Woolen Co.
Gary Tompkins: Spalling Sandstone