Gary Tompkins: Gold King Mine, Jerome, AZ
Gary Tompkins: Below Kachina Point, Painted Desert
Gary Tompkins: The Painted Desert Inn
Gary Tompkins: Coal Mine Canyon
Gary Tompkins: Overlook Into Canyon de Chelly
Gary Tompkins: Untitled
Gary Tompkins: Trunks of Arizona Sycamore (Platanus wrightii racemosa)
Gary Tompkins: Wash, Blue Mesa
Gary Tompkins: The Teepees
Gary Tompkins: Coal Mine Canyon
Gary Tompkins: In Blue Mesa
Gary Tompkins: Pasture in Canyon de Chelly
Gary Tompkins: In Canyon de Chelly
Gary Tompkins: Painted Desert
Gary Tompkins: Spider Rock
Gary Tompkins: Dead Tree at Sunset Crater
Gary Tompkins: Box Canyon Pueblo
Gary Tompkins: In Monument Valley
Gary Tompkins: Antelope Canyon
Gary Tompkins: In Rattlesnake Canyon
Gary Tompkins: In Antelope Canyon
Gary Tompkins: Base of Big Chair Mesa
Gary Tompkins: The Three Sisters
Gary Tompkins: Dead Tree at Sunset Crater
Gary Tompkins: Box Canyon Pueblo and San Francisco Peaks
Gary Tompkins: Sun's Eye
Gary Tompkins: East Mitten & Merrick Butte
Gary Tompkins: Monument Valley Sunrise
Gary Tompkins: Ear of the Wind
Gary Tompkins: Juniper at Sand Springs