Gary Hasler: 121-WashDC-WhiteHs
Gary Hasler: Leipzig industrial fair
Gary Hasler: Brandenburg gate from E Berlin
Gary Hasler: E Berlin building adjoining death zone
Gary Hasler: Berlin wall and Brandenburg gate from W Berlin
Gary Hasler: From Europa Center (W) looking towards E Berlin
Gary Hasler: Church, Kufurstendamm, W Berlin
Gary Hasler: E Berlin side street: Tucholskystrasse + Auguststrasse
Gary Hasler: W Berlin Kufurstendamm from Europa Center
Gary Hasler: W Berlin from Europa Center
Gary Hasler: W Berlin Kufurstendamm
Gary Hasler: Brandenburg gate from W Berlin 17 June Strasse
Gary Hasler: Berlin wall and Brandenburg gate from W Berlin
Gary Hasler: Memorials for people killed trying to cross Berlin wall
Gary Hasler: Alexanderplatz, E Berlin
Gary Hasler: Left: Reichstag (W); R: Palace hotel (E)
Gary Hasler: Doorway to living room: now
Gary Hasler: Doorway to living room: before
Gary Hasler: Old kitchen area
Gary Hasler: Tile backsplash
Gary Hasler: Backsplash installed
Gary Hasler: Backsplash closeup
Gary Hasler: Mister Misty
Gary Hasler: Old kitchen
Gary Hasler: Tile backsplash
Gary Hasler: Found under the old cabinets
Gary Hasler: Old cabinets
Gary Hasler: Demolishing the old cabinets
Gary Hasler: Drawers
Gary Hasler: Drawers