Sammy-Mae: Man May Have Discovered Fire, But Women Discovered How To Play With It....
Sammy-Mae: I'm Ready Now...
Rylai4ever: Midnight lights and waves with Bee
Rylai4ever: just Ry
Ann Fizir (SL): Simply us ! (AI Enhanced)
Taft Wolf: Superheroine? me? maybe ^^
Taft Wolf: Bunny girl =^.~=
Taft Wolf: Where are you?
Kyla Vixen, accepting followers: AI:Cars and Ladies (RednessRampge)
Ann Fizir (SL): Let's play heads or tails.
Conach: Misty
✩ Hannah Starlight ✩: Angels Among Us
Amy Jade 1: Daydreaming
Amy Jade 1: Waiting For My Fate
Amy Jade 1: Not Sure He Is A Dentist
Ann Fizir (SL): Resting on the beach. (Testing AI)
Ann Fizir (SL): The Club
Ann Fizir (SL): The club