Universal Stopping Point: Through the Snow
Universal Stopping Point: Guesthouse Adorableness
Universal Stopping Point: No Snapchat Filters Necessary
Universal Stopping Point: B-A-double L-A--R-D-S It's true.
Universal Stopping Point: Closed for Business.
Universal Stopping Point: I saw this little lonely tree from afar and tromped through a big to get his portrait. No regrets.
Universal Stopping Point: Sad, lonely gay cloud.
Universal Stopping Point: When you did a random walkway to nowhere on the edge of a mountain, you don't ask too many questions. You just walk on it, giving little mind to its structural integrity.
Universal Stopping Point: Summer is dying.
Universal Stopping Point: Suburban Wasteland.
Universal Stopping Point: This place was worth visiting. Zero thumbs down.
Universal Stopping Point: Trilightsteepleton