Helm Photos: P1010147.JPG
smartsandcrafts: Collecting eggs with Auntie Jessie. @jessierosie80
The Back Row Manifesto: Tarkovsky Exhibit THE SACRIFICE Box 1
MarcusOfBrooklyn: In The Rain
TrespassersWill: Green Point Savings Bank
@jessewright: [ wonderland ]
Tim Schreier: Farewell Old Friend
Nick Warwick: While she sleeps
Chris Arnade: Roosevelt: East New York, Brooklyn
davehorridge: Camp Victory, Afghanistan poster
sir chalky: dvd's for sale outside the roxie. "ready, set, bag" is rad.
eatsdirt: Fugazi
diana gee: Cloud closeup
laverrue: Winter Skyline
TraceMurphy: Doorknob
shooting brooklyn: newtown creek wastewater treatment plant
shooting brooklyn: stadium lights
colormekatie: Improv Everywhere- Camera flash experiment
Tom Starkweather: Untitled-8