belas62: Athene noctua, Κουκουβάγια, Little Owl
Andy Pandy Pooh: Red Kite - Milvus milvus
c.dmartin: Stick the Landing
Joe Branco: Pine Grosbeak
Heffordphoto: Snowy Owl
Melissa Kung: 7DC_0159 Verdin
Josee Normandeau: chouette rayee2 4206
Mick Erwin: Short Eared Owl
Through The Big Lens: Anna’s hummingbird, male
benito.bruna: Hummingbird hawk-moth
Rayladur: Lagopède des saules - Willow Ptarmigan
Jarek S. "Jerry": Little bittern
SASPhotography67: Blue & Gray Skies…
Glenn Bartley - Fiery-throated Hummingbird - 2024-11-23 - 024
yan08865: The portal (explored )
Glenn Bartley - Gouldian Finch (Chloebia gouldiae)
Gavin Edmondstone: Red-necked Grebes (Podiceps grisegena)
hammersbox: California Nebula (NGC 1499)
ShinyPhotoScotland: LBN 437, "The Gecko", Lacerta
fromerocuevas: El Caballo cruzó el Tajo en 2024
Jim Beers: Bull Elk Fighting
Darren White Photography: Farmhouse Flyer
Darren White Photography: Chatfield Radiance
Dori_Thrastar photography: Rock Ptarmigan / Rjúpa
Steven Rossi: Ambush bugs
HZWGHZCZYNJQY77TJ5M3SKH6UC: A day in the woods