Justin Kenneth Rowley: Pharaoh Island 2016
SasiShan: French Quarter, New Orleans
Lars Pohlmann: Holi in Bundi
Sankar Salvady: Sunrise in Mono lake
lluìs: sunset
Mals R: The Red Arrows Diamond Formation
-clicking-: Lovely smile
dhanushdecosta: _MG_1086
Unlimitеd: NYC Skyline [Explore-FP]
Sankar Salvady: A sight to savor
Renato Luiz Ferreira: Sampa Ink , Tattoo and Body Art
Alex MacInnis: Pilgrim, Michigan
nanda_uforians: Bowing before the Ball Almighty !
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Himadhu: My Canon entry - Category - Splat/Opaque liquid in action