jimn: Dave Galbraith and skyline
finitor: Manhattanhenge is prolly more interesting as a sociological than an astronomical phenom, for camera-toting mobs blocking crosstown traffic.
floridapfe: Fennec fox
Old_Man_Leica: The horned helmet of Henry VIII
jurvetson: Keep Out Experiment In Progress — LIGO Gravitational Waves
Lumenelle Restorations: TV-7BU Tube Tester
NASA HQ PHOTO: Space Technology Industry Forum (201007140002HQ)
jimn: handmade mini velo
jimn: Campground
jimn: telephone tape
jimn: badly locked bike
jkottke: Ollie walking in Turbine Hall
rikkitahta: mth6 - bean and bodyguard
JoelJohnson: Cooling gold in an evaporator
dushi: Inside Jaisalmer Fort
dushi: Holi at the Maharajah's palace. See the guy on the right? That was me that was.
dushi: Holi
Simon: Morning walk - St Catherines
Simon: Quay Arts - Alpha's photos
Simon: DiG at the Ventnor Winter Gardens
Simon: The Acropolis, Athens - Do Not Touch
Simon: The Admirals Platter, The Boathouse, Steephill Cove, Ventnor
Simon: Seating and tables
Simon: The Rings of Death
Simon: Twin boarders trick out
Simon: Rush hour Crush, London Tube
Simon: Dogs - shit here
Simon: The Tunnel
megnut: Failed temporary barrier
jt_: B&W CBGB